texts to punkie - not sent

top tenner - Rock, 
Rebel Rebel
DavidBowie the Original GendrBendr
 [fav lyrics]
>You've got your mother in a whirl
>She's not sure if you're a boy or girl..
>Rebel Rebel you've torn your dress
> your face is a mess
> Hot tramp I love you so.

hmm ... the photos i took of Stormy yesterday around the magic hour...
my camera was set to Video!
   I am not a smart man.. 

Turns out, most of 'em came out pretty good cuz the floweres need to be seen dancing in the breeze. most are 3 second shorts - A Happy Accident! as Bob would say.
So I'll be sending you some shorts...
the texts seem to cover Rita's attempt to be accepted into a confectionery school. but she keeps getting "prefab"  texts.

Tell Rita to call me tomorrow. 
after noon. I'll help her.

here's my translation. let me know how i did. really.
Родителям Данкана хотя бы испекла торт?
Да и печь стала меньше в последнее время 
Она говорила что там цена конская
Опять смску прислали из этой школы кондитеров кажется
 Did Duncan's parents at least bake a cake?
  Yes, and the oven is smaller now.
She said wtf? I'd rather buy a horse!
  Again, it looks like the pastry school replied with an auto-generated text.

~ that one about the horse stumped me.  a figure of speech?
tell Rita to call me tomorrow around 1pm yt.
when you were one, and we lived in Sanford, NC, we would watch Clifford the Big Red Dog together.

save this doc please













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