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The Pale Blue Dot Is Moving Really Fast!

Right now, you and I are bound to the surface of a ball of iron, rock, and water.

We call this ball Home;  Earth. 

Because we are so small in comparison to planets and stars, the speed of which we move through space isn't noticeable.(Unless of course you have access to large telescopes or expensive cameras attached to an equatorial mount.)

We cannot feel that our home planet is spinning.

We cannot feel that we, as a civilization, are circling around a very small star (in comparison to her sisters.)

We cannot perceive that our star, which keeps everything on our Earth alive, is hurtling through interstellar space, along with  billions of other stars, in our humble spiral galaxy.

Our experience tells us that we are fixed, truly unmoving, and it is the Universe instead spinning around us.

The sun doesn't rise nor does it set. It is our Earth's rotation that gives us the perception that the Sun is moving through our sky.

Watch this time lapse video. you may suddenly be aware of a much larger framework, one in which these motions are incurred by you, and not the other way around.

(I turn the sound off because I find the music distracting)

This video was produced by  astrophotographer Eric Brummel.


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