libertarianism in a nutshell

Libertarianism - To liberate or to defend freedom.

Around 1750, Europeans began to get sick of being poor while making rich people richer.

Most of these poor people were ruled by some sort of Lord or King and they paid their Lords or Kings with work and taxes in the form of money, food  supplies, or whatever they were producing.

The great philosopher Thomas Paine said that there are two distinct classes of men in the nation: Those who pay taxes, and Those who receive and live upon those taxes. 

The ideas, or the concepts of libertarianism are simply a way to figure out how to make things fairer.
Simply,  that you get to keep what you earn - instead of giving a portion of it to someone who belongs to a higher class, or one who has the the power to force you hand over the money that you rightfully earned.

Here in the US, the term "Libertarianism is based on the idea that there is a "Natural Harmony" between  productive people.

Do you believe that there is a "Natural Harmony" between  productive people?
I do.

This "Harmony" is disrupted only when the Federal Government intervenes and takes 30% of what I have earned in my efforts to produce some Thing  (Federal taxes) every year.

Furthermore, this 30%, that is taken away from all productive Americans, is given to presidents of corporations, conglomerate CEO's, Federal Reserve bank owners,  big Banks - like Bank of America - that need the money because their business is not doing so great, people who don't feel like being productive, and even congress men and women; they all get money from productive members of our society. And these people receiving all of this money, have nothing to do with me, or my earnings that I was compensated for in return for my skill in producing some Thing.

This is where conflict arises.

Libertarians believe in an idea called the "Non-aggressive Principle".

This "Non-aggressive Principle", or NAP, is a principle; an idea; or a way of life,  in which a productive worker in our society refuses to abide by Federal Laws if those laws don't protect our 
natural rights; our right to  keep our earnings that we received by producing some Thing.

Economic policy:
Libertarians favor the freedom of the economy to run it's natural course. 
 Rather than regulate it with coercive laws.

This means removing all but the most necessary taxes to make a society work

Libertarians want to get rid of social security and welfare. But they want to keep some taxes in place in order to fund the police force and  firefighters.

Social policy:
Libertarian's favor the idea that you can do basically whatever it is you want to do as long as you are not violating another person's natural rights.

The only people in jail would be anyone who violates the rights of another individual; such as murderers, rapists, and thieves.
Why I consider myself a libertarian
Once again I'm speaking to my Spotify libertarian thing I do not believe I know what's best for other people I also don't believe that other people don't know what's best for other people I can barely make decisions for myself I do my best to make decisions for my family should my daughter take music classes that's a hard question for our family do you want to push him into it or wait so making decisions of what someone else's job or health Care should be is it like another part of the country it's not something I'm qualified or desire to do that's libertarianism libertarianism and your first left on sex and looking for Utopia straight ahead to me well I believe in responsibility and keeping my nose out of other people's business I believe in live and let live
Who cares that's a question that kind of sums up everything somebody's doing drugs who cares if somebody's having sex with with two men are having sex together who cares any drugs should be legal if you're living in a free country do whatever you want take responsibility for it when I talk to other people about libertarianism I say you should take as little from other people by force as possible and you should be able to do whatever you think is right
Let's say that this high School senior is Superior in math and she's getting scholarships from all of the big universities and she decides she wants to work at McDonald's and get pregnant at the age of 19 that's her decision Jim Morrison of The doors he did have a worse life because he did an awful lot of drugs and died at 28 I've already lived a lot longer than Jim Morrison but were his choices worse than mine I don't know I know I would not have like to have lived like Jim Morrison although I'd like to look that good in other pants Kurt Cobain did I want to live like that no not even slightly Prince I don't want to live like that but they probably don't want to live like me either libertarianism is the strongest sense of please do what you want try not to hurt me our government has a monopoly on Force the government is the only organization that is supposed to be able to use Force the government is supposed to be a government of us which means in my thinking my morality the government should only use Force for things I'm willing to use Force for the government they're the only ones that are allowed to use guns to hurt another person or threatening other person legally so the question becomes what would I use a gun to do now I have no skills with guns but with violence I've never hit a person in anger in my life I've been hit I never hit back so this is hypothetical but if I were not a pacifist would I use a gun to stop someone from being killed yes what I use the gun to stop someone from being raped yes but I used a gun to build a library I give them money I would do work taxation is using violence people try to say taxation is voluntary it's not if you don't pay your taxes eventually someone with a gun will show up
Now all that is high level theoretical part of libertarianism when you get down to the nuts and bolts level it becomes much simpler it is one of the cases where the reality is simpler than the theory when someone is worried about libertarianism they worry about what happens to public schools what happens to welfare what happens to roads those are the first three questions they ask those are the hardest questions I will give you public schools I will give you welfare I will give you infrastructure I will not give you the government using a gun to take money from poor people and giving it to rich people the biggest issue and libertarianism is stopping corporate welfare what we give and welfare to the poor we give in government money to the roads to the school the government money we give to the schools is nothing compared to the money we give to the rich the best way to stop chronic capitalism the best way to stop graft the best way to stop the best way to stop crony capitalism the best way to stop graft the best way to stop all sorts of bad stuff in government is to make government small enough the way you stop corruption is to make it small enough that corruption doesn't pay give the government little enough and there's not a lot to steal from them but government is blowing up the rich corporations the rich corporations love the government they gained the system in a way and individual never can any big corporation has a team of the best lawyers to figure out how they cannot pay taxes no middle class person has that they have regulations set to keep other people out of the business even the manicure shops they want a license register everything so that other people can't get in it's eliminating if you had a true free market you would not have the big mega corporations libertarianism libertarian is not about rich white people getting a lot of money from corporations and and leaving everybody else to whistle libertarianism is let's not use the government to take money from poor people in middle class people and give it to the rich because really that's all that's ever happened in our present climate we have somebody running for president who we know for a fact lied a lot less than other people we know for a fact she lied and we know for a fact that she is an insider and that knows the way to play all the games we also know that she knows what's better for other people and we know that she says and claims and brags that she will do a lot of killing of people overseas we also know that she is essentially even after I've called her a liar she is essentially a good honest person she essentially has a good heart she also has a 65% disapproval rating or higher that's Hillary Clinton there are two things that I always believed about modern politics when was that everyone who had ever run for a major office was smarter than me and the second thing was there was no one worse than Hillary Clinton both of those things have been disproven by Donald Trump Donald Trump of the good qualities I mentioned about Hillary Clinton Donald Trump does not
But certainly demonstrative that he has charisma that works for some people and he's willing to give easy answers and being willing to give easy answers which in his case or answers they're just I will fix it we've got this problem I'll fix it I'll fix it well now you don't get to say that you have to demonstrate how you're going to do it but both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are very interested in getting a lot of power for themselves I believe Hillary Clinton wants that power because she thinks she knows what's best for other people let's refer back to me saying I don't know what's best for other people also I don't think she does either but she believes that and I believe her heart's in the right place I don't think Donald Trump knows there are other people to be concerned about I don't think he even knows that neither one of them this is not fair to Hillary Clinton Donald Trump is giving no theoretical policy ideas for how government should run Hillary Clinton is not giving enough for my taste now I know that my buddy Gary Johnson I know we were trying to get him to do the debates even people who don't like Gary want to see someone else on stage talking if Hillary Clinton really is great let her talk to Gary in public well there's nobody that entertains that Donald Trump really is great here's the conversation I want to have I want to have this debate I don't even want to call it a debate I want you to be a simple conversation Bernie Sanders Gary Johnson put them side by side two good people two paragons you know here's the debate I want to see both paragons both virtuous both honest both smart both concerned about other people that's smart won't concerned about it both with experience in government and I want to hear Bernie Sanders say you know a lot of people in this country have trouble taking care of themselves we need a strong infrastructure for business to thrive we need to protect our country to protect the people around us we need a big strong government with a good solid safety net that can take care of people and treat them with compassion and make better choices than some individuals will make we need a government where more qualified people can take care of those that aren't
Here's some examples of how we can get there from where we are there are the checks and balances we want to put in place on corporations one but we want to do with campaign finance and what we want to do with schools and here are some of my ideas but I want Gary Johnson to say you know all those things are problems but I think that may be a little more freedom as supposed to a little more control from the government might give us a lot of that I want individuals to have a little more money in their pockets and use that for charity and use that for building and I think instead of putting up tariffs to keep foreign businesses out that we can actually make America more competitive less taxes and let them have more power that way and be more successful there would be more money all over the place we can take care of people I think that'll work pretty well and while we're at it will stop the corporations by not having a big government that flows money to them and then Bernie Sanders says back you know that sounds really good Gary it really does but there are some people who just playing or going to be left out they're not going to make it they're just not going to make it in your dog eat dog free market economy your doggy dog to see what the fuck you you're just willing to throw them away and then Gary says you know maybe a substance subsistence amount of money for everybody maybe just give them that money because you know compared to what we're paying for food stamps and all that stuff just writing them a check as much easier so maybe we can do that and Bernie says you know what you're saying about keeping businesses over here kind of makes sense Gary maybe we can do a few less tariffs and a little lower taxes to help our corporations and maybe that will help a little bit and then go back and forth and they come up with an impasse where they don't agree and then the American people say you know let's try it Bernie's way for a while let's give it 4 years of Bernie because it seems like he's got some ideas and as Bernie's doing this there's other people in the government that go what about this and he pulls back on this and he adjusts that we'll have Gary Johnson take over for 4 years and see how that goes and you go back and forth and you have a discussion of what we want to do as a country between two good honest hard thinking human beings and please let's get one of them to be a woman by the next time we do this and let's get someone to be of color we've got plenty of people on both sides that aren't just white guys but for right now my example of Bernie and Gary and we go back and forth like that why aren't we doing that why do we have two people that all they agree on is that they should have power two psychotic power hungry hated unpleasant people calling and scratching to take power he's watching with all of them do you want why not you why not two people who are actually having a discussion about what direction our country should go in and by the way we're never going to go all the way Bernie we're never going to go all the way Gary but that's a discussion we have to let so that is what I think about modern politics and that's what I think about libertarianism yeah maybe someday in the future we should go to anarcho capitalism maybe someday in the future we should go full out socialism but for right now can we just do whatever you mother fucking American believes which is stop giving so much money to the corporations let the people have more control let them stop giving so much money to the corporations let the people have more control let them smoke dope let them put what they want into their bodies let them have sex with whoever they want as long as it's consent they can do that in every state let them love do they want and enjoy life the way they want life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is that a nut position


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