Sluggish Schizophrenia" - Russia,s Punitive Psychiatry"

In Putin's Russia and ex-soviet states, the "powers that be" diagnose protesters &  dissenters with a condition called "sluggish schizophrenia". 

They claime that this schizophrenia is a slowly progressive disease that leads to full-blown schizophrenia.

it is used even in a patients who show no symptoms of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder on the assumption that these symptoms would later appear

This diagnosis "Sluggish Schizophrenia" appears only in medical texts in Russia & ex-USSR countries - up until this day (see "The story of Anna Matskevich, AKA Refbatch"). 

This this practice is known as "punitive psychiatry" (see or read, "One flew over the ocoos nest").

Headline in Newsweek, 2017 :  "Political psychiatric abuse returns to Russia and ex-soviet states".

Recent reports by federation global initiative on psychiatry along with NGO - that monitors human rights in psychiatry in former Soviet Union countries - records cases starting in 2012 until today in which human rights activists and JOURNALISTS have been illegally detained in psychiatric institutions for 10 YEARS.

A 16-year-old Russian protester was confined to a mental institution after a protest where he was demonstrating in support of another dissident who had spent a month in a mental hospital earlier that year.
This 16-year-old said that his hospital stay was in the special Ward for mentally ill patients some of whom yelled and pounded their fists at night.
   He said "every morning we were given pills to take but I managed to spit them out I don't know what the pills were but it  turned people into vegetables."

Anna Matskevich has finally been released
She is now clinically insane.

So remember kids, freedoms can be dismantled by dictators who demand blind loyalty.

Therefore, fellow Americans, 
 - ignore american attrocities☠️
 - watch more commercial TV📺
 - buy more stuff🚗
 -  follow all 
     -  rules, 💂
     -  regulations, and 
     -  ideologies conveyed by your 
         -    politicians, 
         -    religions,
         -    & Oprah
that's right,

You are free 
TTo do as you've been told.

Despite that remaining quiet  forces you deeper into submission.
See or read:
 - 1984👁️
 - A brave new world💤
 - Fahrenheit 451🔥
 - Manufacturing Consent 😼



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