
Showing posts from September, 2020


TOCILIZUMAB for near-death COVID-19 Patients Prompted by a woman, who's father died of COVID-19, 2 hours after doctors administered TOCILIZUMAB. She lost her father, and was obviously distraught. This post is for: Anyone who has a loved one in the hospital for covid-19, and the doctor tells you, "His condition is worsening. Our last resort is to administer TOCILIZUMAB." Before you start screaming     NO! NO! NO!. That drug kills people!!! Please read the following clinical study results and make up your mind - on the outcome of 500+ patients instead of 1. **********†"******************"****** TOCILIZUMAB in patients with SEVERE  COVID-19: A TESEO cohort study & The CORIMUNO randomised clinical trial AUGUST, 2020 --- DISCUSSION : No therapy is approved for COVID-19 pneumonia. The aim of this study was to assess:     the role of TOCILIZUMAB in reducing          the risk of invasive mechanical           ventilation. Also, the study was to

slide guitar

Thank you. I needed to hear that. I kinda like the idea of a sawed-off slide. I've never used my slide on the 5th and 6th strings that I can remember. But I'd keep using it on my ring finger cuz my pinkie is much better at stretching & doing little pull-offs on chords. Important thing 1: you need a tube amp. Even amps with modeled fender twins just don't cut it. But close enough for 95% of the audience. It took me about 30 years to accidentally discover important thing #2: a very very important thing about playing the slide - drop your pick and pick the strings with the skin of your fingers (not your nails). Why? In my classical guitar period, I would play a new piece at 0.25 speed, and note the open strings that had to be muted immediately. A very important technique in classical guitar. It's hard to notice because you're using available fingers on your RIGHT hand to just press down on the string. I got good at it. One day, 10 years ago, I was a young 50 yo.  I

Where is the Crossroads?

I was on YouTube listening to Robert Johnson's Crossroads. The comments were mostly silly.  Some guy finally asked, Where is the Crossroads? Here's my reply, " @Money Sniper   Ain't nobody from round here gonna tell some stranger where the Crossroads is! But there are folks in the French quarter who will be happy to take your twenty bucks and draw you a map to the Mississippi Delta area and then send you down some long dirt road. Yeah, there will be roads that cross, but ain't none of em the Crossroads. Why don't you move to the Delta, find the woman that's cooking for everyone, and tell her that you're here to find the Crossroads. Just say it to her once, then never repeat it.   for the next few years,  learn how to sing & play real blues by watchin the ole timers. Gain their trust. One summer evening an old man will come to your house carrying a brown paper bag - you'll hear his boots on the porch and see his silhouette through your screen doo


Psychedelia .,.......... Dasha texted me: "any 60's music suggestions?" "Like psychedelic 60's not the other side..." ------ Me: Yes! Let me pick out the best albums.     It's important to listen to the complete albums because most hippie groups didn't have 'singles' or 'hits'.     By listening to the full album, you can get a real feeling of their vibe at that time in their history - a snapshot of their world. --------- Dasha :  i like listening to donovan and pink floyd sometimes ------- Me : Yes! They're on the list! ----- Dasha : if you listen to the album " atom heart mothe r" it's pretty psychedelic. the last song is called " alan's psychedelic breakfast" . ---- Me :  Really? I never had that album, so I can't talk about it too much. ------ Me : Okay, off the top of my head;  - Hendrix - are you experienced  - Jefferson Airplane - the album with ' Go Ask Alice - a song about tripping.


Hi Nicki,  I have been thinking about a meet up.  However, there's no way in hell that I'm ever gonna make another New Orleans-OKC road trip in this lifetime! And I can't leave Stormy, so flying's not an option for me.  But I could help you out with tickets to New Orleans - always a layover in houston - and I'd pay for a nice hotel; food & drinks my treat - my house is trashed so you don't wanna stay there. But I'll give you a tour just for laughs, show you some watercolors that I've done, and the most popular tourist attraction in my home - The Redrum! It's a very red room with all my music equipment.  I'll need to visit the house daily anyway to take care of Stormi. I'm thinking about a long weekend; like, you arrive Thursday evening, depart Sunday evening or Monday morning. Mid October through December are by far the best times to visit. In October we could hang out by the pool - except for the 1 day when I give you the New Orleans tou