Exercise Your Creative Muscle

A Short, Easy Exercise for Your Creative Muscle

create a nonsensical sentence

  • Have you ever, just for fun, created a nonsensical sentence. With the only constraints being that
    • the words must exist, and 
    • the sentence must be grammatically correct.
  • Here's an example that I'll make up on the spot: 
    • Their sisters exhumed a cloud tomorrow.
      • the words exist: check
      • the sentence is grammatically correct: check

creativity stimulant
  • Something that takes less than 3 minutes before you start painting, playing music, writing, anything. It's like having coffee before starting work.
  • But, it's not ever as easy as it sounds, because... 
    • ... Oh, say that at some time, next week, it crosses your mind to try that 'silly sentence game' again.
    • First you read the sentence from a week ago.
    • Now your task is to create an entirely new sentence.

  • And the big rule of this game is:
    • "Your NEW sentence must be MORE nonsensical than the last."

  • Sure, you'll be okay for the first few sentence..., but think about how much exercise your creative muscle will be undergoing by the time you get to your 7th sentence; your 15th! sentence!
  • And please! Text me your sentences.
  • I promise to reply with a sentence of my own creation.
  • If you really hit a wall at any time, just start the game over. No biggie. 
    • Create a new, simple sentence, and when you're ready, 
    • create another one slightly more meaningless than the first.
  • Or if you're not interested in this game, at least create one sentence

    Words succumbed to ashes like pebbles in your sister's mouth.

    negative 4 grasshoppers discontinued driving and broke 2 air conditioners.


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