
Showing posts from May, 2019

We've passed the carbon dioxide concentration Threshold

We've passed the carbon dioxide concentration Threshold of 400 parts per million .  Permanently AND NOBODY NOTICED! GAME OVER. The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere eclipsed 400 PPM threshold and stands at 415 PPM for the first time in 4.5 million years.  note: A CO2 concentration of 415 PPM means that for every million molecules of "air", 415 of them are CO2 molecules, (The other molecules are mainly nitrogen & oxygen). We've passed what climate scientists call              "the POINT-OF-NO-RETURN THRESHOLD".               Permanently. Why do climate scientists call it the POINT-OF-NO-RETURN THRESHOLD ? Because Climatologists have been stating that once CO2 concentrations pass the 400 PPM threshold , the CO2 concentrations would never return to lower levels in our lifetimes.  For example, Best case scenario:     Everyone started driving electric cars tomorrow     All airplanes & jets would never

American Media conglomerates

media conglomerate - a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.  According to the magazine The Nation, " Media conglomerates strive for policies that facilitate their control of the markets around the world." conglomerate - a large company composed of a number of smaller companies ( subsidiaries ) engaged in generally unrelated businesses. Notable examples Comcast (USA) Walt Disney Co. USA) Viacom (USA) Owned by "National Amusements" Mass Media Holding Corp. CBS Corp (USA) Owned by "National Amusements" Mass Media Holding Corp. AT&T (USA) Sony  (Japan) Movie production studio Universal Filmed Entertainment Group Walt Disney Studios , UTV Motion Pictures (India) Paramount Motion Pictures Group CBS Films Warner Bros. Pictures Group Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group , Sony Pictures Entertainment  TV production Universa

The Honey Island Swamp Monster

T he Honey Island Swamp Monster Honey Island Swamp , part of the Pearl River Wildlife Management Area , near Slidell, Louisiana, USA One of the least-altered river swamps & most pristine swampland habitats in the US. Managed by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. The Honey Island Swamp , Creole French : Marais de l'Île-de-Miel earned its name because of the honeybees once seen on a nearby isle. It is a Cypress & Tupelo (tree) swamp Plants : Bald cypress(Taxodium distichum),  tupelo gum (Nyssa aquatica),  swamp blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica),  swamp red maple (Acer rubrum),  black willow (Salix nigra),  ash (Fraximus spp.),  water elm (Playera aquatica),  Virginia willow (Itea virginica), buttonbush (Cephalaythus occidentalis) Sarvis holly (Ilex amelanchier) Animals: alligators,  raccoons,  owls,  wild boars,  nutria,  snakes,  turtles,  bald eagles and  black bears,  honey bees,  Wood stork (Mycteria americana) Osprey  waterfo

The Congressional PROGRESSIVE Caucus (CPC)

The Congressional PROGRESSIVE Caucus (CPC)  CPC  works to advance  PROGRESSIVE  issues. The PROGRESSIVE CPC Consists of : 1 US Senator (Bernie Sanders ) and  78 members of the House of Representatives I would urge you to support ONLY candidates in the CPC . Screw the other Democrats. We need Democratic PROGRESSIVES! The PROGRESSIVEs have never been this strong in my lifetime. (I was too young to understand the the PROGRESSIVE University Protests against the war in Vietnam in the 60's.) So, everyone who is NOT a PROGRESSIVE, is going after them; using so-called ' smear campaigns '. Who's going after them?: REPUBLICANS,  WHITE SUPREMACISTS (neo-Nazis),  White Nationalist,  RACISTS,  The Alt-Right,  EVEN SOME DEMOCRATS (Like PELOSI , the most powerful ANTI-PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT! ) CPC Members Include: Senate Member :  Bernie Sanders House Members: My top 3: Tulsi Gabbard Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) Ilhan Omar - "when Isl