Voice Types VS Vocal Range

Voice Types VS Vocal Range

Vocal Range
Vocal Range itself does not determine a singer's Voice Type. Voice teachers use Vocal Range as only one factor among many in classifying a singer's voice.

Voice Type
A Voice Type is a particular kind of human singing voice perceived as having certain identifying qualities or characteristics; Vocal Range, Vocal Weight (light=lyric, heavy=dramatic), Vocal Tessitura (where the voice is most comfortable singing), Vocal Timbre (the characteristic sound).

  Voice Ranges (approximate)
 (C4=middle C, indicated by black dot or yellow key.)

Soprano : C4-C6 (high C)

Mezzo-soprano: A3-A5

Alto : F3-F5

Contralto: F3-F5

'8'=1 Octave Down
Tenor: C3-C5

Baritone: G2-G4

Bass: E2-E4


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