
Fig. 1

We acquire sensory information via our 5 senses, however this is not perception; 
perception is the cognitive act of interpreting that information.


Game 1. 

The test, in a nutshell (spoilers in white text):If you haven't played it yet, get a friend to read this, including the hidden text in 'White' text .Your friend can see the hidden text if she highlights it with your mouse:

The test in a nutshell:
    You write down the word 'Carrot' on a piece of paper, but don't show the other person. 
    You then tell them to quickly answer 4 simple questions: 
    They will always answer "Carrot" to the 4th question.

Don't believe me? 
Try it:

1. Write on paper, or print out  a page, or save a small text file and save it as [yourFriendsName_01.txt] with a single word on it: "CARROT". 
    Fold paper in half, or save and close file.

2. Write, print out, or have the 4 questions in front of you (see below) so that you can fire the questions off rapidly. 
     Don't show victim; (just kidding; your friend), the 4 questions.

3. Select your victim

4. Say to victim, "You wanna play a simple mind game where I ask you 4 questions?"
    Victim says, "Sure."

5. Say to victim, 
    "Okay. First hold this folded paper, but don't unfold it!", 
           or you could say, 
    "I saved a file named kerry_01.txt that I will let you open after the test.

6. Step 6 is the only step which I suggest that you rehearse a couple of times so that you can quickly say, "Answer as Quickly as Possible. What's 4 plus 2  !

         Okay. Ready !  
         4 Questions !  

        Answer as Quickly as Possible. What's 4 plus 2 ?
                   What's 3 plus 3 ?   
                               5 plus 1 !
                   Name a Vegetable !



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