
Showing posts from November, 2021

Why Columbus called them "Indians"

The majority of the following is from The Encyclopedia Britannica (1996 Edition) Why did Christopher Columbus call the people inhabiting the Carribean Islads "Indians", when there was no such country or territory named "India" at the time? Christopher Columbus coined the term "Indian" when he landed on a small island in the Carribean.     - Fun Fact, Columbus never stepped foot on the land mass known presently as the continent "North America". The past 500 years have seen a myriad of terms used as referents to the people living on the Carribean Islands that Columbus invaded and enslaved, and later to all peoples of the Western Hemisphere.  - Indian - American Indian - indigenous American - Native American - aboriginal American, - First Nation - Amerindian - Eskimo - Inuit, and  - Native Alaskan.  Some of these terms are used almost interchangeably, while others indicate relatively specific entities. The term American Indian is often used to refer

Surrealism II

Beside the use of dream analysis, they emphasized that "one could combine inside the same frame, elements not normally found together to produce illogical and startling effects."[21] Breton included the idea of the startling juxtapositions in his 1924 manifesto, taking it in turn from a 1918 essay by poet Pierre Reverdy, which said: "a juxtaposition of two more or less distant realities. The more the relationship between the two juxtaposed realities is distant and true, the stronger the image will be−the greater its emotional power and poetic reality."[22] The group aimed to revolutionize human experience, in its personal, cultural, social, and political aspects. They wanted to free people from false rationality, and restrictive customs and structures. Breton proclaimed that the true aim of Surrealism was "long live the social revolution, and it alone!" To this goal, at various times Surrealists aligned with communism and anarchism. In 1924 two Surrealist


    Surrealism was a global, cultural movement which developed in Europe in the aftermath of World War I. Artists depicted illogical scenes to allow the unconscious mind to express itself.     Its aim was to .resolve the conditions of dream and reality into a singular reality, a super-reality or surreality. De facto leader AndrĂ© Breton, " I consider it to be a to point of departure that will certainly appeal to our best minds.      We may expect it to bring about profound changes in our arts and manners through universal joyfulness." World War I scattered the writers and artists who had been based in Paris, and in the interim many became involved with Dada, believing that excessive rational thought and bourgeois values had brought the conflict of the war upon the world. The Dadaists protested with anti-art gatherings, performances, writings and art works. After the war, when they returned to Paris, the Dada activities continued. During the war, AndrĂ© Breton, who had trained i

Jeff Pocaro Sessions (all)

jeff was a session drumming master. 1973 Cher / Bittersweet White Light (MCA, 1973) 9 tracks By myself - I got it bad and that ain't good - Am I blue - How long has this been going on - The man I love - Jolson medley (Sonny boy, My mammy, Rock-a-bye your baby with a Dixie melody) - More than you know - Why was I born - The man that got away Sonny & Cher / Mama Was a Rock 'n' Roll Singer (MCA, 1973) 10 tracks It never rains in Southern California - I believe in you - I can see clearly now - Rhythm of your heart beat - Mama was a rock and roll singer Papa used to write all her songs (Part 1 & 2) - By love I mean - Brother love's traveling salvation show - You know darn well - The greatest show on earth - Listen to the music Seals & Crofts / Diamond Girl (Warner, 1973) ? tracks No track specific credits; 1 of 4 drummers Track list : Diamond girl - Ruby Jean and Billie Lee - Intone my servant - We may never pass this way (again) - Nine houses - Standin' on a